Part One: The Bike
Part Two: The Pedals
Part Three: The Shoes
Part Four: The Injury
So I bought a bike this weekend. Not one for going to and from work or just putzing around town. This is a serious bike for serious cycling! Said bike also came with special pedals and shoes. The kind you clip into. This isn’t a big deal when you are cycling but it makes it difficult at times when you stop and need to stand. I spent 20 odd minutes this evening practicing clipping in and out. It didn’t seem to difficult, just a twist of the ankle and you’re free. So I went on a quick mile bike ride and everything was going great. I knew I was in trouble right about the time I thought to myself, “Hey, this isn’t so hard. Everything is just peachy.” Very soon after, I hit a patch of grass, over corrected, tried to stabilize myself with my feet, realized they were attached to the bike and skidded to a stop mostly using my knee and thigh as a brake. Things weren’t too bad and I mostly crashed in the “correct” fashion, laying the bike and yourself down on the ground. Still the leg is scrapped, as are the shoes and the pedal. The new bike (made from delicate aluminum and carbon fiber” seems alright so…
I’m going to count this as a win.
ouchy! i hope this doesn’t happen again :/ Crossing my fingers for biking on Sat.