Continued Adventures in Gardening

Next time I write about the garden hopefully it is in the context of me gorging on its bounty! Considering we had a long winter and a cold spring, how early I planted, and the fact that this is a first attempt at gardening I’m impressed with myself. The garden really seems to be doing well, despite the tomato plants just sitting there not giving me tomatoes. I’m excited to see how much we get of the garden this year and how much more I can get out of it next year.

When did I last write about the garden?  In April, May maybe?  I don’t recall and despite that fact that right over there to the right of this text box is a tool to help me find it, or perhaps even a direct link to the entry I’m thinking of I’m not going to bother looking it up.  I’m going to go with it has been awhile.  How do I know?  Look at that picture up there!  Last time my tomato plants weren’t the same size as me, nor were the zucchini plants growing outside of the planter.

So what all do I have going on in there?  Besides the hyperdeveloped tomatoes and zucchini?  I’ve got some soybeans growing, which I’ll be eating as edamame.

The cucumbers are starting to come in, they are still tiny, around the size of an adult’s pinky finger

My pepper plant is really starting to produce, everything is still to small to eat but there are a lot of them on the plant.  I wonder if I should prune it back in order to make the plant focus on fewer peppers?

What else is there in the garden box…?  I have an eggplant as well and it’s started blooming but there isn’t any fruit on it, yet.  I didn’t take a picture of it.  I have some pole beans too but , they haven’t produced anything either.  The beans have grown all over their supports and have co-opted the tomato plants as well… I’m hopeful they’ll start producing soon.

Despite the monstrous size of my two tomato plants there still isn’t any fruit on them.  My tiny cherry tomato has started producing though

That is about it.  Next time I write about the garden hopefully it is in the context of me gorging on its bounty!  Considering we had a long winter and a cold spring, how early I planted, and the fact that this is a first attempt at gardening I’m impressed with myself.  The garden really seems to be doing well, despite the tomato plants just sitting there not giving me tomatoes.  I’m excited to see how much we get of the garden this year and how much more I can get out of it next year.

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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