Old Stuff: Necron Heavy Support

So here you can see the the Heavy Support models from my Necron army.  I don’t really use the Monolith that much (as it is an immediate target and the Monolith is no good at taking on Mech lists), got to love that model though, big and intimidating.  Actually Necrons aren’t that great in 5th edition, their troop choice is limited in usefulness, as are the Flayed Ones, and Pariahs (absolutely useless).  So, until the codex gets updated, showing up with this army puts you at an immediate disadvantage.  That being said, they are still numerous people who don’t quite understand how 5th edition changed the game (I’m still learning new things) so if you play well and exploit your opponents ignorance/weakness you can still pull off some great wins.  Anyway the army list will be posted at a latter time as it is in major flux as I update it to deal with 5th edition (total re-write).  Lets get to the models!

Necron Monolith - Laser Bait
Necron Monolith - Laser Bait

Heavy Support fist and we start with the Monolith.  This is a very large model!  About the heights of a Land Raider if you put it on its end.  I used the same paint scheme as was on my warriors: bolt gun metal, with scab red.  The model was base coated black and then the base of the model was given a number of layers of tin bitz to make it look worn as if, partially buried, before dry brushing over with bolt gun, and then a sparse brushing of mithril silver.  Considering it is one of the first models I assembled and painted I think it turned out pretty well.

Heavy Destroyers - Not Great but all You've Got
Heavy Destroyers - Not Great but all You've Got

Heavy Destroyers are the closest the Necron player has to a melta-gun which is absolutely necessary in 5th addition as tanks and transport vehicles come into their own in this iteration of the game.  While very powerful with a strength  9 AP 2 weapon in a full squad that is just 3 shots.  Again the same palette as used through-out the army with the white on the head to draw attention to the face and the blue on the chest for a little variety.

Tomb Spyders - The 'y' makes them Alien
Tomb Spyders - The 'y' makes them Alien

I have a third one of these that isn’t yet painted.  I was getting bored with the palette so I put in another tone of red on the legs.  The one on the right has a particle projector, which is useless as the BS of  2 and can not hit the broadside of a barn.  I haven’t been using them but are including them now as they help keep my warriors coming back.

Necron: Infantry

Necron: Command

Necron: Fleet

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

2 thoughts on “Old Stuff: Necron Heavy Support”

  1. Good work, Jon. If you’re into doing some more painting, I’m thinking on holding semi-regular painting sessions at my pad. The feature I was going to be starting on the 20th was cancelled, so I’ll be available. Give me a call and we’ll get together for some painting.


    1. I’m definitely into painting I have a bunch of stuff to do, and I have a few painting projects in which I could use your expertise.

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