I want a small digital camera to carry around with me at all times. I see things I want to photograph all the time on the train, walking to and from the train station, doing random things at random times. I never seem to have a way to capture them though, my cell phone has a camera but it takes terrible pictures… I have a film camera as well, but I don’t have the space to carry it around, or the time to develop the film myself.
I’d like a small digital camera that has enough mega pixels or whatever I need to take good pictures without breaking my budget. I’m not looking for a professional digital SLR either. I thought about getting the new Polaroid PoGo, so that I can print pictures instantly and have digital copies, but I don’t know enough. So I’m asking you, what do you recommend? What do you use?
I use a Cannon Powershot: http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&fcategoryid=145&modelid=16722
It’s an older model (2006), but it has all the functionality I need.
I second the PowerShots (the SD variety, not the As). Canon makes a variety, so you’re bound to find something you like. They’re regarded as some of the best digital point-and-shoot cameras out there, so they may come with a price premium, but you can probably mitigate that by finding an older model (I loved my SD450).
But even more than that I’d recommend a “SanDisk Ultra II Plus USB” SD card. They’re the type that work like a normal SD card, but fold in half to work like a USB drive too. You don’t need to worry about having a card reader in order to transfer pictures and transferring is much faster over USB.
Check it out: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015EYMX6/?tag=wish04-20