Not only gods…

Why I haven’t been updating

But it appears blogs can die too. As this one appears to be in the middle of, when was the last time I updated DMS? Back on May 20th! Okay, well this isn’t a heal-all by any means, if anything I’m merely staunching the flow of blood. Why have I note updated? Simple, I’ve been very busy with my work at the Capitol. The last two weeks saw a couple of very important deadlines (bills had to be out of their house of origin and the Assembly Appropriations Committee cleared it’s suspense calendar items). If you were following my twitter feed you might have noticed all the talk of bills, I must have read and corrected over 300 analyses this last few days. Good news is that I made it out alive and things will be (should be is more likely) quiet for the time being, at least until July/August.

I haven’t been completely out of things though I wrote a few articles for Gamestooge, one of which also appeared on 2old2play, if you’re curious: here, here, and here. My review of GTA4 will be done in 24 hours or so and going up soon there after, right now I’m saying it’s 66% complete.

What next? I’m going to vote tomorrow. California has its second primary then, this is for those who didn’t want to move up their voting with the Presidential primary. I’d tell you who I’m voting for in my Assembly District but I can’t I work for the Chief Clerk of the Assembly so I have to be impartial. I get to vote but I can’t tell anyone one my views on the subject (check my archives though and you’ll figure it out). After that I’m going to be cleaning up DMS and creating actual content.

Sorry about the lack of updates, more is coming and thanks for reading!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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