Random Code – Previous Post

So the previous post, the piece of poetry… It looks better over at my DeviantArt account. They let you use text formating over there that WordPress seems to be ignoring. If you want to see how the poem is suppose to look please follow the link below. If you want to hear how it sounds, you’ll have to wait for me to do a reading, or read it out loud to yourself and those three lines after “three” pause, breath out and sigh. Then return to the litany of the poem.

So why write a poem about OCD? Well, you write what you know 😛 Seriously though, it seems funny and cliche that someone would sit in front of a door turning their key in the lock over and over, and of course it is funny, it is ridiculous actually. Makes for great comedy on the television, except for the person stuck there doing it. They’re stuck in a loop, if you know something about code you can say their stuck in a bug, a bad “if…then” statement. But for some reason they’re brain much like a computer can’t break the loop. Not without a lot of anguish on their part. If you know someone with OCD or suffer from it yourself please look into it, there are a lot of ways to deal without. Many don’t require any drugs at all. Oh, and give that person a hug and let them know you’re there for them.

DeviantArt Link 

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

2 thoughts on “Random Code – Previous Post”

  1. I actually can go back and forth between my car and my apartment up to 3 times, even when I know I put everything in order so I can leave. But I can’t stop the urge to check and make sure. Which makes me feel like a freak.

  2. I wish that this perspective and desire to understand and acknowledge people and the different lens through which they view life, was more common.

    Beautifully written poem.

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