The Ridiculous City I live in…

Is located just outside of Sacramento and is the home of the UC Aggies. I live in Davis, CA. A city with a large educated population surrounded by farming communities, it’s a little bit of blue in a sea of red, its greatest flaw though is the the complete lack of culture. There are a few art galleries in town, it doesn’t seem that anyone visits them though and the art in them is often, in my humble opinion, not worth  sharing with friends or family.  The hottest spot in town appears to be the place I’m working a Borders Superstore. That is correct, when people are looking for something to do when they are planning a night out on the town, somehow they decide that no night will be complete without stopping by a bookstore?! Inconceivable!?

Anyway to get to the point I’m trying to make in this post. California is being rained on, you might have seen it in the news. At times the rain is accompanied by 30-50 mph gusts of wind. So yesterday part of the city lost power. Apparently some of them will be without power for a couple of days. Somehow, Borders got listed as the nearest shelter for people without power?! The store all day yesterday was full of people, not buying anything. All they wanted to do was trash the store and make my miserable job more so. I barely get paid enough to care about how the store looks, I certainly don’t get paid enough to listen to the pussies who live in this town “sob” stories. Especially considering the fact that they don’t have a sob story. This isn’t New Orleans folks, you lost your power that’s it. The greatest moment for me had to be when we asked people to stop sitting and laying on the floor because it was becoming a safety issue. A women felt it was in her rights to talk to our manager so that she could complain to corporate. Why? She was being harassed by the employees of Borders. She and her 6 children were just sitting there on the floor blocking a major avenue of the store, and they were politely asked to stand up?! The Humanity! She then informed us that “There are children without power, WITHOUT power! Davis is facing a real crisis”. I had to bite my tongue and walk away at this point. Else I would have told her to shut up, that a power outage was not a crisis, it was the norm for the majority of humans in the world today and that she had no right to bitch or moan about anything… Second best moment was the two teenage girls begging to use our outlets to recharge their Ipods, they were almost in tears when we said “no”…

Note to self righteous prigs in Davis, CA – You don’t get to be pretentious unless you have a damn good reason for being so, living in Davis does not, I repeat, does not justify your attitude. You are a nobody living in a no name place. Get over yourself.

P.S. I hate you!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

5 thoughts on “The Ridiculous City I live in…”

  1. That’s pretty hilarious. I think I’d rather be in my dark apartment than just sitting in Borders.

  2. This just shows how lucky I am. I’m actually quite happy to have moved out of Davis for many many reasons. One of which is this privilege-without-sacrifice mentality.

  3. oh jonathon, if only the people in davis could read your blog. but we all know that people who come to borders dont know how to read.

  4. I live in Davis. My power was out for two days. It totally sucked. It was freezing and there was no hot water. But I never once set foot in Borders. It never crossed my mind.

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