Passage – Gaming as Art


I don’t want to talk about the game until you’ve played it a couple of times. So please click here now and get it.

Play it a few times through (make sure you read the instructions on the page so you know how to play), each time only takes 5 minutes. Then leave your comments here. When you are all done I’ll say some things too!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

2 thoughts on “Passage – Gaming as Art”

  1. I like the music :).

    The title really says it all. Since the game only counts the forward steps you make, there’s plenty of exploration – just like life. The commentary on the transience of existence: being able to look so far into the future in your youth, and only being able to reflect on the past in old age. Of course whether in or out of a relationship, you come into this world alone and you leave it alone. All of us wanderers, vagabonds in search of something…do we ever find it? I also wonder about the lack of exploration one is able to do with the companion vs. without – is that a commentary on single life being more free than being in a relationship? Anyway. Just some thoughts

  2. I’m trying to contact the creator of the game for an interview. I think the most powerful statement that game makes is that it doesn’t. It has a structure and you play it and it leaves it at that. The player then extrapolates all sorts of things from it. Is the game making a statement about being in a relationship or do we as players just see one there? I also thought the music was great! Look for my next post on the game where I’ll post my initial thoughts on the game, Thanks for the comments Rick!

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