I’d be laughing if I wasn’t already crying…

Creationism, ID, Wack Jobs, Religious right, fundies, crazy

The amount of ignorance in this country is horrifying! What compounds it though is the fact that people are proud of it!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

5 thoughts on “I’d be laughing if I wasn’t already crying…”

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words.

    It really is sad that the “debate” (so-called) still is going on…since there really is no debate, it kinda doesn’t have the right to be going on. I must admit though, I was in the “other” boat before I began doing research in a molecular evolution lab. I think that coming face to face with the evidence is the best way for anyone to get on the right track, but how many people are really willing to face it?

  2. You’re right Rick it isn’t a debate at all. It’s the equivalent of a petulant child refusing to admit that he was wrong about something. Or in this case how his precious “word of god” doesn’t quite match up with reality, so reality must be wrong… I was in it too Rick, but any open reading of the material out there will show you that evolution and natural selection are rock solid. No one likes to have their idols smashed, Creationism is definitely one of the idols of the “religious” right.

  3. The issue of course is someone being willing to look at the evidence. People will not listen to a talk, nor read a book on evolution if they feel they already know the answer or believe the consequences of accepting evolution will destroy the goodness of society.

    Either they have to be curious what evolution really is about, or want to hear both sides of the story. As some of the comments here testify (include myself as a creationist in my youth) it is possible to change your mind – but it can be difficult to get people to even consider the evidence in the first place.

  4. No one likes having their most cherished beliefs challenged. The problem of course being that so many people are taught that evolution is a threat to their faith in Deity. Which of course isn’t the case you can accept evolution and still believe in a god. I think the greater fear of clergy and church leaders is that if one part of faith can be reevaluated the rest can too, and rational thought towards Religion has never been charitable to it… The problem of course being that not much of it makes any sense when you think about it

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