Maintanence and Thanksgiving

I added a new section to the blog it’s called What I Recommend  (Link is dead -Ed. 8/1/11) and in it you can find reviews of games, books, sites, etc… Stuff I’d like to share with you on more than just an occasion. Things that get more than just a passing mention up here. Check it out if you must there isn’t much there right now though.

With that out of the way I’ll wish all my readers a Happy Thanksgiving, you don’t have to be American to celebrate the holiday, anyone can. Yes, there is a story behind Thanksgiving, google it. For my family it never was about the Pilgrims/Puritans, it was about showing proper thanks for the things you have in your life. So, though we aren’t around a table laden with food and there isn’t any god for me to thank I’m going to share my gratitude with all of you here at my blog.  Firstly, I’m grateful for my life, for my parents who brought me into it and raised me as best they could. I feel they’ve done a remarkably good job, considering the materials given. Thanks Mom and Dad!. I’m thankful for my girl friend, the love of my life, Diana Burkart-Waco, for putting up with me, for looking past all my flaws and still loving me, for sharing her life with me. Thank you Diana! I’m thankful for all of my friends, for just being there, for talking with or sharing a moment, for being yourselves around me and letting me do the same. Thanks everybody! I’m grateful the opportunities I’ve had in my life, a college education, a job that pays for mostly everything, a chance to better myself, and brighter prospects around the bend. I’m thankful that it’s hasn’t been too cloudy recently and that I can still feel the heat of the sun on my skin, too soon I know I’ll be missing it. I’m thankful for a lot more, but I think that’s enough sharing. If any of you would like to share a little of what you’re thankful for please do! Just leave a comment!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

4 thoughts on “Maintanence and Thanksgiving”

  1. I’m thankful for my family and especially my parents. I’m thankful for all the life experiences and adventures I’ve had so far in this country. I’m thankful for having a complete life in two countries. I’m thankful for mangoes…I’m thankful I know what real mangoes taste like.
    I’m thankful for the monsoon rains and the smell of the first rainfall. I’m thankful for the existence of men in kilts and cider. I am thankful for the dark days and being down in the dumps so I know what the bright days are like and what it is like to be on top of the world.
    I’m thankful for wit and sarcasm. I could go on. Lastly, but not the least: I am thankful and grateful for my friends all around the world.

    happy thanksgiving Jonathon!

    Got me all sappy there, you sneaky little bastard.

  2. mangoes are awesome =P

    I thankful for….

    Being able to sleep (sometimes)
    Friends and family. It’s one of the only reasons I have to wake up in the morning.
    Having enough food to eat and a nice place to live.
    A job that has flexible hours and chill coworkers.
    Tea (Chai, Genmachai, Mint, Jasmin….mmm)
    Rainy days and cuddling on the couch with a hot beverage and blankets.
    Yummy restaurants.

    And the prospect that I might have a pet (kitten or puppy) someday….

    The pumpkin pie is mocking me from across the table. Wake up sleepy head so I can eat it. Muahaha.

  3. I am grateful for waking up another day, being able to spend time with my friends by feeding them into food comas and having a roof over my head.
    I’m grateful for the family we put together, as opposed to ones you are born with.
    I’m grateful for coffee, tea and kaufree.
    I’m glad I can cook.
    I’m grateful the turkey actually smoked.
    I’m even more grateful the backup turkey cooked.
    I am grateful for my job, my boss and for wunnderful technology!

  4. Life is a beautiful thing and although each moment may not be significant, I wouldn’t be able to get to the significant ones without all the little one in between.

    I am grateful for companionship, for the intimate friendship of my wife Lisa
    I am grateful for friendship in general, especially those whose friendship is intellectually engaging (thank you Jon)
    I am grateful for family, regardless of our disagreements
    I am grateful for education that lifts one’s mind and causes one to re-evaluate the most basic assumptions of existence
    I am grateful for thought and the ability to change every day

    Happy Thanksgiving Jon

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