Finished the second Earth Chronicles book

You have to feel sorry for Zecharia Sitchin. I choose to do so at least, because if the man is not overly earnest than he is a charlatan. I’m trying to be optimistic right now so, I’m going with earnest, naive, and uneducated. This is generous on my part, as the man has been uneducated for over 30 years and shows no signs of wanting to correct himself, or reading any of the formal criticism he has received from academics in the fields of linguistics, ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, physics, astro-physics, I’m not going to keep listing them, it goes on for a while. It took me less than 2 minutes to find Mr. Sitchin’s site and several other sites that debunk his work. I looked at some of them and they have raised real issues that if Sitchin is serious about his work and critical of it he should be answering, of course this isn’t going to happen, as the man is most likely a snake oil salesmen… Wow, it took me only a couple of sentences to get from being sorry for a naive man to cursing the lying scumbag. I’m just like every politician in the entire world, I’ve flip-flopped on an issue, unlike them though I’ve admitted it!

I was skeptical from the beginning, I’d just like to know why the man tried to pass it off as factual, it’d make for great fiction all he had to do was some character development… Maybe it’s either to fleece people when you pretend you’re the keeper of a great secret. What bugs me the most is that his 12 planet was suppose to cross the Earth’s orbit in May of 2003… I don’t recall seeing that in the sky, or the news, or anywhere. Oh, and no advanced aliens either… No comment from him or any of his supporters, hmmmmm….. strange, I’m sure he has some fancy reason why to and that he’ll continue to market his books and ill formed ideas… *le sigh*

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

One thought on “Finished the second Earth Chronicles book”

  1. Sitchin knows more than t6he scholars know. The Anunnaki were real, not myths. There’s thev rub.

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