I’m mailing out 4 books today. I’ve requested some rarer books from some of the people at BookMooch, none of them have gotten back to me though. I’m also going out today to have some work done. I’m not saying what it’s a surprise. I finished reading the Adventurer’s Handbook last night and started on Chabon’s book, which is intriguing so far, though I don’t find the subject that interesting his style has a way of keeping your eyes on the page. I’m hoping as I continue reading I’ll find myself slipping into the characters and story. Back to the Adventurer’s Handbook, the book is a great introduction to the high age of exploration in the 19th and 2oth century. The only problem I had with the book is that it only wets the appetite. Conefrey does a great job summing up some of the great adventures and explorers of the last 200 years, but then he mentions that these people wrote their own books! I’m a terrible bibliophile and seeing all these references drove me mad. My reading list is long enough as it is, now there are an additional 7 or 8 titles on it. Thanks for nothing Mick!
The writing club starts in two days and I need to submit my piece. Since I came up with the idea I figured I’d be the first person to put myself up for public scrutiny. Problem? I don’t really have a piece I feel comfortable with showing, my fault completely as I haven’t been writing as much as I’d like. What writing I have been doing has been essays and non-fiction. I have ideas for stories but none of them have condensed into plot or story, just ideas. I’m putting the finishing touches on my Mainspring review, which I will be submitting in a few days.
That’s it for now.