Lazy Wednesday

This is counting as a post for yesterday. What did I do yesterday? I worked from 6 AM to 2 PM. I then ran some errands. After completing those and returning home I thought it’d be fun to fill my garbage can up with water and then dump out on the kitchen floor… It was as awesome as it sounds! Clever fellow that I am, I decided to fill the trash can with water, to clean it, while it was still in the house. I did not notice that it has openings in the bottom to facilitate the pedal top. As I poured water in through the top it happily mixed with bleach and trash juice and leaked all over the floor. By the time I noticed, a nice pool was forming. Good times, good times.

I’ve played through most of New Super Mario Bros., but I’m getting stuck on the final level. It appears to be longer than every single level before it combined. This wouldn’t be an issue if the game prepared you for this kind of difficulty. It doesn’t though, up to the final level the game almost coddles you along from stage to stage and level to level. By the time I arrived at Bowser’s gates I had over 60 lives!? It’s a good thing too because I’m losing all of them trying to get through the damn thing. Again, I don’t mind a challenge but the level is incongruous with the rest of the game , the player is completely unprepared to have their platforming skills put to the test. I’ll keep at it.

In other gaming news I’ve stopped playing Faxanadu. For two reasons: First, the name is really hard to spell, also it’s dumb. Second, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I don’t feel like I should have to download a FAQ to be able to understand and beat this game. We’re gamers smarter back in the days of the NES? Or were we simply more forgiving (read ignorant). Whatever the case is, I’ve set it down. I’m writing up some thoughts on Final Fantasy (mostly the early incarnations) that I’ll post later today or tomorrow.

Wake up in the late afternoon

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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