…What I Got

Pictures of me should be appearing on Facebook right about now, pictures of me hiking and hanging out with dogs. Yesterday, Diana and I drove North East of Sacramento to Sugar Pine Reservoir. We spent the day hiking around the it, we think it was 3 or 4 miles, there were other people there but they were mostly stationary, so there were times when we were walking on the trail that it seemed we were the only ones there, times when we could even look over the water and not see any boats and believe we had the place to ourselves… There were also times when old ladies were pissing on the trail as we came around a bend… Yeah, it was kinda a mixed bag when it came to that… Who uses the trial as their latrine? This was a fucking National Forest!? They had bathrooms like in a dozen different spots! Okay, maybe she was old, and maybe she was lazy, and maybe she was retarded, but everyone and I mean everyone knows, you don’t drop trowel on the trail! You go off it, and a behind a bush or tree or something…

Hiking was fun and the reservoir was pretty enough. After we had finished our day hike, on our way back to Davis we passed through Auburn which is where one of Diana’s aunts lives. Her aunt breeds and show Australian shepherds. They mauled me and I loved it. We spent a couple hours there just chatting with her ant and petting/playing with puppies. I want a dog.

We then drove back to Davis took showers and then rented some movies and watched them. It was a great day.

In other news: I’ve decided I need to schedule my time more efficiently. I need to set aside one or two hours everyday just for writing. When these hours come up I need to stop everything else I’m doing, sit down and write. I also need to police myself while I’m writing, the internet is just a click away… Also I’ve realized that I have a lot of books and video games that I have not read/played. So no more purchases until I finish what I have. I’m going to try and figure out how to put some lists into that sidebar over there —> and fill them with what I’m reading and one for what I’m playing. It’s all so exciting. That’s it for now, the next post will either be the continuation of a little bit about me, or a funny story about tabloids.

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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