Thoughts on Productivity

I’ve read David Allen’s book, I regularly visit Merlin Mann’s site 43 folders, as well as a long list of other sites. I use the hipster pda and a PIM. I am no stranger to the ideas and concepts that various productivity gurus advocate in their book, on their website, and in interviews. Understanding how I process and control information isn’t something I have a problem with. All of that is easy enough and I think I’ve been able to increase my productivity through applying these concepts in my life.

All of the above is not the problem for me.

It’s time and drive.

These are the issues that defeat me every time I attempt to re-organize my life. I’ve tried taking big steps. I’ve tried taking baby steps. The end is the same. Despite all my organization, info capturing techniques, etc, etc. It all falls apart because I can’t manage my load. Or when I am somehow organizing it I’m so burned out from doing so that I have no desire to work on the projects that do interest me. The things I want to do get pushed aside by the actually planning of them.

I want to do things. My list of projects is only getting bigger and I feel the ideas that I’m putting down are getting better. But that’s as far as it goes. Looking at the list now is daunting. I’m afraid to even begin tackling it. What is it that is preventing me from making actual progress? Why can’t I shape the time I have available to me? Why is it that my free time is filled with me loafing about always?

What is stopping me? What am I afraid of?

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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