Getting my hands green

I’m about a quarter of the way through the Better World Handbook. Every page I’ve read so far has notations on it, sometime numerous and a score or more of the pages are dog-eared so that I can refer to them quickly later. I went shopping for groceries with Diana today. Thinking about vegetables and such reminded me of what the authors had to say on eating and food. In front of the co-op there were numerous seedlings. I mentioned to Diana that we should try and grow some vegetables. We talked it over and though it’s just a tiny apartment we both would like to grow a few things. It might never save us money, it likely won’t, but, it will bring us closer in some ways to our food, and nature. I’ve spent too much time not getting my hands dirty or green and this will be a good way to ease back into it. Oh, I might learn something as well… We’ll be planting some tomatoes, chilies, and herbs. I’m excited about the idea and if anything grows I will let you know.

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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