I just finished reading Gaiman’s and Pratchett’s collaboration, Good Omens. I’d never read it before and hadn’t heard of it until a few months back. Apparently its a pretty big deal.
Anyway, not what I wanted to talk about. As I came to the last few pages of the book, a familiar depression settled down upon me. The same one I get whenever I have picked up a good piece of fiction and become absorbed into it’s world. I knew it was all ending, and I didn’t want it to. For me The Word can be so powerful. Every book I consider good has done this. It has removed me temporarily from this reality and for a short time I was able to enjoy another. And then they end.
The best books make you think, regardless of the genre. You set it down, closing the covers for the last time. You sigh, and you think. “What if…?” Does it end there for you? Do your “what ifs” ever become spring board for action? As any piece of fiction made you uncomfortable with who you were? Or where you were going in life? Has it made you change your mind? Has it made you think and if you thought, did you ever act on them?
I wish I had answers…