It’s been a while since I’ve watched Family Guy. I saw it today. It wasn’t that funny. Mostly because clever jokes and situations had been replaced by scatilogical humor and crude language. This seems to be a trend in comedy. Comedians have run out of things to say or joke about so they simply yell and bitch covering up their lack of talent with a never ceasing flow of obscenities.
I loved Lewis Black, his angry satirical black humor is right up my alley. I’ve seen all of his specials on Comedy Central. When Last year when I found out he was performing locally I rushed over to and bought one. I spent the next month in eager anticipation for his show. You can not know my disappointment when not more than a minute into the show Mr. Black began to lace his commentary and comedy with 4 letter words. My complaint isn’t with language, I’m no saint. But in comedy it seems to be the end result of intellectual laziness.