Contra Vs. Probotector Part 3


Hard Corps. Edition


Comparing the two NES games to each other was an easy task.  The Contra game released on the Sega Genesis/Megadrive is a much more difficult task.  Called Contra Hard Corps. here in the States it was simple referred to as Probotector on the Megadrive in Europe.  What makes comparing these two games more difficult than the last two is the fact that the Megadrive version is relatively rare, making getting a hold of a manual difficult.  Second, the game has four different playable characters ans seven different endings!  Ending in which the character your playing as has a prominent place.  In order to get screenshots of each ending with each character in both version of the game I’d have to play through it 56 times!  That is not going to be happening anytime soon.

I heartily recommend playing Hard Corps. though!  The game has an excellent soundtrack, a branching storyline, and furiously, difficult gameplay.  The western versions are exceptionally difficult as the health system that was put in the Japanese version of the game has been removed.

Covering Hard Corps is going to take more than one post.  In this one I’m just going to compare the various playable characters:


Hard Corps on the left, Probotector on the right


These are the mug shots you see at the character select screen, except for the last one.  That guy down at the bottom is the military officer/robot who gives the orders at the beginning of each level.  There is another playable character not included in the comparison, it’s the little robot that looks identical in both games. In-game the characters look  like this:

So far there doesn’t seem to be any difference in the enemies you are facing.  But, I haven’t played through the all seven routes in both of the games.  The next post, will reveal changes in enemies and will compare at least two of the endings from the game!


Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

One thought on “Contra Vs. Probotector Part 3”

  1. Pingback: Contra Vs. Probotector: Contra III VS Super Probotector « Di Mortui Sunt

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